Exfoliation 101-Part 1

May 14, 2023

As the largest organ in the body, our skin is permeable and intuitive, so taking care of it is important for overall health. Sunscreen, cleansers, and moisturizers are obvious ways to protect the skin. But you might want to add exfoliation to your routine. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, allowing the skin to absorb more of the beneficial ingredients in skin care products.

What is exfoliation?

Skin is a complex organ with multiple layers. The outermost layers form the epidermis, the part of skin we can see. The epidermis' top layer is called the stratum corneum. It’s made up of 10 to 30 layers of dead skin cells. 

These cells are constantly being shed and replaced, a process called desquamation. Cell turnover cycle takes about 28-30 days for young people. As you age, the turnover process slows, and it takes about 45-50 days to complete, resulting in a dull, lack-luster complexion. 

How does exfoliation benefit your skin?

Exfoliating improves skin appearance in several ways.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, exfoliation can leave your skin looking brighter and improve topical skin care products' effectiveness by enhancing absorption.

Regular exfoliation increases collagen production. Collagen is the key to glowing, vibrant skin. The protein also promotes skin elasticity, minimizing fine lines and loss of elasticity.

Long term benefits:

  • Fades age spots by removing dead skin cells that contain pigment.
  • Unclogs pores, releasing built-up oils on your skin.
  • Reduces pore size and the appearance of acne scars.
  • Renders fine lines and wrinkles less visible.
  • Allows for better absorption of skin care products such as moisturizers, serums, acne treatments.

Want to know more about exfoliation and how to choose the right exfoliants according to skin type and conditions. Stay tuned, Exfoliation 101-Part 2 to follow.

Do you have specific skin care questions that you always wanted to ask? We are here to help you! Email us, info@faceology.ca.